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The B2R2C Marketing Model and What it Means for You

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The overview of B2R2c marketing model

B2R2C marketing is a new marketing strategy that has gained popularity recently. In order to target clients who are interested in a certain good or service, the phrase “business to retail, retail to consumer” is used. As it enables them to interact with clients in both a retail and online context, B2B marketing is particularly beneficial for companies looking to attract a larger customer base. Businesses can reach a wider audience and increase their consumer base by using this kind of marketing.

What is the B2R2C marketing model?

B2R2C, also known as business-to-robot-to-consumer, is the trend that many of us will experience in the near future. We are now thought to be selling robots for a significant sum of money. By the year 2023, it will total 241.1 billion dollars, proving that we must prepare for the impending change of converting our companies to the Business-to-Robot-to-Consumer model.

The internet can now be navigated with the aid of AI-powered bots. AI is there for all of your needs, whether you want to listen music, search Google, or obtain customer service. Unsurprisingly, voice search devices, other smart devices, and AI-enabled bots all act as middlemen in the decision-making process for customers. Voice search is used by 58% of consumers to get information about nearby companies, while 18% of millennials use Amazon Alexa for voice-assisted buying.

B2R2C moving from B2C

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The B2R2C model differs significantly from the B2C model in the following ways: Businesses have prioritized brand development, customization, and fostering brand loyalty when selling to customers. Marketers interacted with consumers directly in each of these areas. They developed relationships with customers by disclosing information about their goods and services. However, because of the development of digital assistants, AI, and other online interfaces, marketers no longer always have direct access to consumers.

There appears to be a brand-new obstacle in the way of marketers. No matter how valuable your service or how excellent your product, you need to figure out a means to make sure that it appears in online searches made by AI-powered gadgets. Therefore, you will need to influence robots in order to attract new clients. It seems improbable, doesn’t it? Currently, it does, but analysts believe this trend will only grow in popularity.

The Impact of AI-powered Robots

According to statistics, robots are here to stay and will eventually become a part of our daily life. Digital voice assistant shipments will total 8.4 billion by 2024. The use of voice search devices has reportedly become a daily habit for 72% of those who own one.

There are two main reasons why AI assistants, smart devices, and voice searches are so common. In the beginning, they were easier and faster to use. Furthermore, it is simpler to let the algorithm decide. Many firms are vying for consumers’ attention by barrage them with goods, commercials, custom content, and other materials.

How Can a Business Influence a Robot?

Robots using AI are made to follow directions from people. For instance, Instar Cart provides personal shopper bots that adhere to user instructions and utilize machine learning algorithms to discover their preferences. As a result, they are able to use their honed instincts when necessary. So, if a product is out of stock, the shopping robot can substitute a similar one. 

The good news is that you can influence the preferences of users, i.e., the human shoppers. In turn, they can influence AI shoppers. If you can convince a consumer to tell their assistant that they will use only your product, you can rest assured of plenty of sales and establish brand loyalty.

Preparing Your Brand for a B2R2C Market

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1. Adapt to technology

If you operate an online store, ensure sure everything is current. Make sure voice-search and associated technologies can access your marketing. You must get ready to deliver sales via smartphones, digital marketing, and voice-based search if you want to stay ahead of the competition.

2. Create partnerships

Because of the vast number of AI-customer interactions that tech behemoths like Google and Amazon have already established, they will have a significant advantage in the emerging B2R2C market. Market analysts and futurists concur that who wins and to what degree will depend on the alliances and partnerships formed between brands and these businesses.

3. Use social media

It’s expected that social media will be a significant marketing tool. You may reach a huge audience by spreading the word about your business by developing your presence across social networks and online stores. Your brand will show up among the top search results for smart devices if you have a robust social media presence and an organic following.

4. Influencer marketing

Although having organic followers is vital, experts claim that using influencer marketing and sponsored social media postings may have benefits. Bots may set your goods apart from the competition if multiple profiles are linked to your business and influencers with significant followings support you.


It is obvious how voice search, smart appliances, AI assistants, and other digital avatars are changing how we shop. More people will use these robotic appliances in their homes in the future to handle activities like safety, healthcare, shopping, scheduling appointments, doing daily chores, providing psychological support, and more.

Asifa Khanum Content Writer

Asifa Khanum

Content Writer at Download Lead Data

Asifa Khanum is a Content Specialist at Download Lead Data. I fulfilled roles in marketing that shaped her interest in finding innovative solutions to modern-day problems.

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