DM Valid: Global B2B Email List.


OUR Compliance


Data Protection directive legislation has been revised into the general data protection regulation


Australian Communications and Media Authority is an Australian government authority within the communications


The California Consumer Privacy Act Provides customers more control over the personal data that companies gathers.


he CAN-SPAM Act, a law that sets the rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial messages.


Canadian Anti-Spam Law in order to strengthen email marketing best practises and prevent spam and related online risks.


The Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA): It complements legislative and regulatory frameworks that are industry specific

Configuring GDPR compliance at all checkpoints:

  • The 1995 [95/46/EC] Data Protection Directive legislation has been revised into the GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION (GDPR). To Give data subjects more detailed rights and security,
  • It was amended, The new GDPR was developed jointly on May 23, 2018, by the European Parliament, the European Union’s Council, and the European Commission.
  • To give greater attention to the protection of the subject’s database and rights both inside and outside the EU is the main objective of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • No matter where they are located, all EU and non-EU organizations who work together to manage the personal data of EU citizens are subject to this regulation.

Here’s a simplified rundown of the key GDPR compliance laws:

Transparency: People must be informed about how their data is collected and used. This means having a clear privacy policy that’s easy to understand.
Consent: Companies typically need a person’s permission (consent) to collect and use their data. This consent must be freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous. People also have the right to withdraw their consent at any time.
Control over your data: People have several rights over their data under GDPR. These include the right to access their data, get it corrected if it’s wrong, and have it deleted (the “right to be forgotten”).
Data Security: Companies must have appropriate security measures in place to protect personal data from breaches.
Data Breaches: Companies must report data breaches to the authorities and affected individuals in some cases.

The most essential requirements of GDPR are as follows:

  • Processing that is fair and transparent must be done in a lawful manner by businesses that handle personal data.
  • Citizens have the right to find out what information a company possesses on them and what it does with it.
  • Limitations on data storage: The Company is only permitted to collect the data necessary to comply with the law. As a result, the data should always be deleted once a legitimate purpose has been satisfied.
  • Personal data breach: Depending on the seriousness of the breach, the company may establish a breach record. The person must also be notified within three days of the breach.

DM Valid's Commitment to GDPR:

  • We are committed to abiding by GDPR’s rules and regulations in the B2B marketing sector. Contrary to previous regulations, 
  • GDPR specifically addresses data security and places an emphasis on protecting the subject’s personal information.
  • All protection clauses and B2B opportunities are covered under the heading of “GDPR Compliance.”
  • As a result, GDPR compliance guidelines must always be followed by data processors and controllers who operate with online data.
  • Every attempt is made by our legal team to always follow the rules.
  • The following steps have been taken by our team to confirm that the data we give complies with GDPR:
  • From reputable sources like market studies, meetings, seminars, websites, business listings, and so on, we gather prospect contact information.
  • Biometric data, national or gender information, political beliefs, health, and genetic information, and other types of personal information are not collected from or shared with EU individuals.
  • We verify and double-check every delivery using the phone and email verification.
  • Our database is continually updated, cleaned up, and certified, and all data is kept secure as necessary.
  • Our rules were developed with the intention of giving data privacy top priority.

DM Valid's Commitment to the Australian Communications Media Authority (ACMA):

  • ACMA Compliance law is about regulation in Australia’s communications and media sectors, like radio, TV, internet, and phones. Here’s a breakdown in simple terms:

    The Rules: ACMA enforces various laws set by the government. These laws aim to protect consumers, encourage fair competition, and keep content appropriate.
    Who it applies to Companies and individuals providing these communication services need to follow ACMA rules. This could be broadcasters, internet providers, phone companies, and even some websites.
    Following the Rules: There are different ways to comply. ACMA provides information and resources to help businesses understand their obligations. In some cases, licenses are required.
    Keeping it Fair: ACMA wants everyone to play by the same rules. This means fair treatment for consumers and a healthy competitive environment in the communication industry.
    Enforcement: If someone breaks the rules, ACMA can take action. This might involve warnings, fines, or even stopping a service from operating.

DM Valid's Commitment to California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA):

1. Right to Know

Consumers can request businesses to disclose:

2. Right to Delete
Consumers can ask businesses to delete their personal information (with some exceptions).
3. Right to Opt-Out
    Consumers can correct inaccurate personal information held by businesses.
4. Right to Correct (Added by CPRA):
    Consumers can correct inaccurate personal information held by businesses.
5. Right to Limit Sensitive Data Use (Added by CPRA):
Consumers can limit the use and disclosure of sensitive personal information
6. Applicability:

    • CCPA applies to businesses with:


  • At least $25 million in annual revenue
  • Personal data on 50K+ people or collecting most revenue from data

DM Valid's Commitment to Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN-SPAM)

1. Purpose:

  • the CAN-SPAM Act regulates commercial messages, ensuring transparency and recipient rights.
  • It outlines penalties for violations and is enforced by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

2. Applicability:

  • Applies to all commercial messages, including emails directed at consumers or businesses.
  • Defines a commercial message as any email primarily promoting a product or service.

3. Requirements:

  • Clear subject lines related to email content.
  • Honest labeling of advertisements.
  • Inclusion of a physical address for the business.
  • Opt-out (unsubscribe) options for recipients.

4. Comparison with EU’s ePrivacy Directive:

  • the CAN-SPAM Act focuses on commercial emails in the U.S
  • the ePrivacy Directive (EU) covers broader electronic communications privacy.

DM Valid's Commitment to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).

1. Purpose of CASL:

CASL was enacted in 2014 to reinforce best practices in email marketing and combat spam and related cyber threats..

It addresses issues like identity theft, phishing, and the spread of malicious software (viruses, worms, trojans)..

2. Constitutes Spam Under CASL:

Unsolicited Email: The simplest definition of spam is unsolicited email. However, it also includes unsolicited text messages and software.

Unauthorized Alteration of Transmission Data: Preventing unauthorized changes to transmission data.

.Installation of Computer Programs Without Consent: Ensuring consent before installing software on users’ devices.

False or Misleading Electronic Representations: Prohibiting deceptive websites or misleading content.

Harvesting of Addresses: Collecting or using email addresses without permission.

Collection of Personal Information Illegally: Unauthorized access to personal information.

3. Focus on Commercial Electronic Messages (CEMs):

  • CASL primarily targets commercial electronic messages:
  • These encourage participation in a commercial activity, whether or not there’s an expectation of profit.
  • Examples include marketing emails, promotional texts, and business-related communications.

4. Positive Impact of CASL:

  • When CASL came into effect, Canada had 7 of the world’s top 100 spamming organizations. As of 2019, there are no Canadian organizations on that list.
  • Canadians filed over 167,939 complaints to the Spam Reporting Centre between October 2021 and March 2022.
  • Email sent without consent remains a top complaint reason, but spam via text messages is also increasing.

5. Improvements for Consumers and Businesses:

  • Consumers benefit from reduced spam and better protection.
  • Businesses can compete more effectively in the global marketplace.

DM Valid's Commitment to Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA).

1. Purpose of PDPA:

The PDPA aims to protect individuals’ personal data…

It establishes rules for organizations handling such data.

2. Key Requirements for Compliance:

informed Consent:

Obtain consent before collecting personal data..

Clearly explain the purpose and use of data.

Security Measures:

Implement robust security to prevent unauthorized access or breaches..

Safeguard personal data from misuse.

Data Subject Rights:

Provide individuals access to their data.

Allow corrections, erasure or restrictions.

Data Breach Notification:

Notify relevant authorities promptly in case of a breach.

3. Penalties for Non-Compliance:

Organizations failing to comply may face

1. Fines (up to $1 million).

2. Reputational damage.

3. Legal consequences. 

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